2016 Bible Reading Blog

2016 Bible Reading Blog

Monday, May 30, 2016


Isa1: The LORD has spoken: I raised children but they have rebelled. Wash yourselves. I will smelt away your dross. Zion shall be redeemed.
tweet 17 Jun 2012. Isaiah 1. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa2: The mountain of the LORD will be established. On that day the pride of men will be humbled. They will flee the splendour of the LORD.
tweet 18 Jun 2012. Isaiah 2. Read this chapter in full. # 3 comments
Isa3: The LORD will take away all support from Judah. Children will govern. You grind the faces of the poor. The women of Zion are proud.
tweet 19 Jun 2012. Isaiah 3. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa4: In that day the branch of the LORD will be glorious. Those who are left in Zion will be called holy. The LORD will create a shelter.
tweet 20 Jun 2012. Isaiah 4. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa5: Why did my vineyard yield wild grapes? Woe to those who pursue drink, who call evil good. The anger of the LORD is against his people.
tweet 21 Jun 2012. Isaiah 5. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa6: I saw the LORD seated on high. A seraph brought a coal to my lips. The LORD said, "Who will go for us?" I said, "Here am I; send me!"
tweet 22 Jun 2012. Isaiah 6. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa7: Aram plotted with Ephraim. The LORD sent Isaiah to King Ahaz: Behold, a virgin shall bear a son. The LORD will use Assyria as a razor.
tweet 23 Jun 2012. Isaiah 7. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa8: The floodwaters of Assyria will overflow the land. Many will fall and be snared. I will trust in the LORD. They will curse their gods.
tweet 24 Jun 2012. Isaiah 8. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa9: A child is born to us. His government will increase forever. The LORD will raise the enemies of Israel. His anger has not turned away.
tweet 25 Jun 2012. Isaiah 9. Read this chapter in full. # 2 comments
Isa10: Woe to those who rob the poor of justice. Woe to Assyria, whose purpose is to destroy. The remnant of Israel will return to the LORD.
tweet 26 Jun 2012. Isaiah 10. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa11: A shoot will come up from Jesse. He will judge with righteousness. The wolf will live with the lamb. The Lord will gather his people.
tweet 27 Jun 2012. Isaiah 11. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa12: In that day you will say: I will praise you, O LORD! Your anger has turned away. Surely God is my salvation. Sing for joy, O Zion!
tweet 28 Jun 2012. Isaiah 12. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa13: The oracle concerning Babylon: Listen! The LORD is calling an army. I will punish the world for its evil. Babylon will be overthrown.
tweet 29 Jun 2012. Isaiah 13. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa14: The LORD will again choose Israel. How you are fallen, O Lucifer! You will be cast away like a trampled corpse. Wail, O Philistia!
tweet 30 Jun 2012. Isaiah 14. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa15: An oracle concerning Moab: Ar of Moab is laid waste. In the streets they wear sackcloth. The waters of Dibon are full of blood.
tweet 1 Jul 2012. Isaiah 15. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa16: A throne will be established from the house of David. We have heard of the pride of Moab. Within three years Moab will be despised.
tweet 2 Jul 2012. Isaiah 16. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa17: An oracle concerning Damascus: Damascus will become ruins. Jacob will be brought low. You have forgotten the God of your salvation.
tweet 3 Jul 2012. Isaiah 17. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa18: Woe to the land of buzzing wings, beyond the rivers of Cush. The LORD will cut down the branches. Wild animals will feed on them.
tweet 4 Jul 2012. Isaiah 18. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa19: An oracle concerning Egypt: I will hand the Egyptians over to a cruel master. When they cry out to the LORD, he will send a saviour.
tweet 5 Jul 2012. Isaiah 19. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa20: The LORD spoke through Isaiah: As Isaiah has gone stripped for three years, so Assyria will lead the Egyptians and Cushites captive.
tweet 6 Jul 2012. Isaiah 20. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa21: The oracle concerning the wilderness of the sea: I set a watchman. He said, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon!" The glory of Kedar will end.
tweet 7 Jul 2012. Isaiah 21. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa22: The oracle concerning the valley of vision: The LORD has taken away the covering of Judah. I will give to Eliakim the key of David.
tweet 8 Jul 2012. Isaiah 22. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa23: The oracle concerning Tyre: Wail, O ships, for Tyre is laid waste. The LORD has planned it. Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years.
tweet 9 Jul 2012. Isaiah 23. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa24: Behold, the LORD lays the earth waste. Its people are held guilty. Fear and pit and snare await you. The LORD of hosts will reign.
tweet 10 Jul 2012. Isaiah 24. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa25: O LORD, I will praise you. You have done marvellous things. The LORD will swallow up death forever. Moab will be trampled as straw.
tweet 11 Jul 2012. Isaiah 25. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa26: A song will be sung in Judah: The LORD is the eternal Rock. Your hand is lifted high. We gave birth to wind, but your dead will rise.
tweet 12 Jul 2012. Isaiah 26. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa27: In that day the LORD will slay Leviathan. By exile the guilt of Jacob will be purged. Those who were perishing will worship the LORD.
tweet 13 Jul 2012. Isaiah 27. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa28: Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim! They will be snared. Behold, I lay in Zion a precious cornerstone. The LORD will do his alien work.
tweet 14 Jul 2012. Isaiah 28. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa29: Woe to Ariel, the city of David! But your enemies will be like dust. I will astound these people. No longer will Jacob be ashamed.
tweet 15 Jul 2012. Isaiah 29. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa30: Woe to the stubborn children who seek help from Egypt! The LORD will wait to show mercy. The voice of the LORD will shatter Assyria.
tweet 16 Jul 2012. Isaiah 30. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa31: Woe to those who trust in chariots! As a lion roars, so the LORD will come down to fight for Mount Zion. Turn back to him, O Israel.
tweet 17 Jul 2012. Isaiah 31. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa32: Behold, a king will reign in righteousness. Tremble, you women of ease. The city will be deserted until the Spirit is poured upon us.
tweet 18 Jul 2012. Isaiah 32. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa33: Woe to you, O destroyer! The fear of the LORD is Zion's treasure. "I will arise," says the LORD. You will see the king in his beauty.
tweet 19 Jul 2012. Isaiah 33. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa34: The LORD is enraged against the nations. His sword is filled with blood. He has a day of vengeance for Zion. Edom shall lie waste.
tweet 20 Jul 2012. Isaiah 34. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa35: The desert shall rejoice and bloom. The eyes of the blind shall be opened. The ransomed of the LORD shall return to Zion with songs.
tweet 21 Jul 2012. Isaiah 35. Read this chapter in full. # 2 comments
Isa36: The king of Assyria came against Judah. His commander said, "Do not listen to Hezekiah. Have any of the gods delivered their lands?"
tweet 22 Jul 2012. Isaiah 36. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa37: Hezekiah prayed to the LORD. Isaiah said, "The king of Assyria will not enter the city." The angel of the LORD struck the Assyrians.
tweet 23 Jul 2012. Isaiah 37. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa38: Hezekiah became sick, so he prayed. The LORD said, "I will add fifteen years to your life." Hezekiah wrote, "The LORD will save me."
tweet 24 Jul 2012. Isaiah 38. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa39: The king of Babylon sent envoys. Hezekiah showed them his treasure houses. Isaiah said, "All you have shall be carried to Babylon."
tweet 25 Jul 2012. Isaiah 39. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa40: Comfort, comfort my people. A voice cries: Prepare the way of the LORD! He is the everlasting God. He gives strength to the weary.
tweet 26 Jul 2012. Isaiah 40. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa41: Let the nations meet for judgement. Do not fear, O Israel. I will help you. Idols are nothing. I will give a messenger of good news.
tweet 27 Jul 2012. Isaiah 41. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa42: Behold, my Servant! He will bring justice to the nations. Sing to the LORD a new song. Hear, you deaf! The LORD gave Israel as spoil.
tweet 28 Jul 2012. Isaiah 42. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa43: But I am with you, O Jacob. I am the LORD. There is no other saviour. Behold, I will do a new thing! Yet you have not called upon me.
tweet 29 Jul 2012. Isaiah 43. Read this chapter in full. # 2 comments
Isa44: I will pour my Spirit on your offspring. Who makes an idol? A carpenter prays to a block of wood. I am the LORD who made all things.
tweet 30 Jul 2012. Isaiah 44. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa45: The LORD says to Cyrus: For the sake of Jacob I have called you. I am the LORD. Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth!
tweet 31 Jul 2012. Isaiah 45. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa46: The idols of Bel and Nebo are burdens to be carried. O Jacob, I have made you and I will carry you. I am God and there is no other.
tweet 1 Aug 2012. Isaiah 46. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa47: Sit in the dust, O daughter of Babylon. You showed no mercy. You trusted in sorcery. Evil shall fall upon you. No one shall save you.
tweet 2 Aug 2012. Isaiah 47. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa48: Hear this, O Jacob: I have refined you for my own sake. I am the First and the Last. Thus says your Redeemer: Go out from Babylon!
tweet 3 Aug 2012. Isaiah 48. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa49: The LORD formed me in the womb to restore Jacob and to bring salvation. Can a mother forget her nursing baby? I will not forget Zion.
tweet 4 Aug 2012. Isaiah 49. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa50: Have I no power to deliver? The LORD has given me a learned tongue. I gave my back to those who beat me. He who justifies me is near.
tweet 5 Aug 2012. Isaiah 50. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa51: Listen, the LORD will comfort Zion. Awake, O arm of the LORD! The ransomed shall return. You will drink the cup of my wrath no more.
tweet 6 Aug 2012. Isaiah 51. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa52: Awake, O Zion! How beautiful are those who bring good news. The LORD has redeemed Jerusalem. Behold, my Servant will be lifted up.
tweet 7 Aug 2012. Isaiah 52. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa53: He was despised and rejected. He was pierced for our transgressions. By his wounds we are healed. Out of anguish he will see light.
tweet 8 Aug 2012. Isaiah 53. Read this chapter in full. # 2 comments
Isa54: Sing, O barren woman! Your offspring will inherit the nations. Your Maker is your husband. No weapon formed against you will prosper.
tweet 9 Aug 2012. Isaiah 54. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa55: Come, all you who are thirsty. I will make an everlasting covenant. My word will not return void. The mountains will burst into song.
tweet 10 Aug 2012. Isaiah 55. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa56: Keep justice, for salvation is near. I will bring the outcasts of Israel to my house and gather still others. The watchmen are blind.
tweet 11 Aug 2012. Isaiah 56. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa57: The righteous find peace in death. As for you rebels, you make your bed wide. Let your idols save you! But I will not accuse forever.
tweet 12 Aug 2012. Isaiah 57. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa58: You seek pleasure on your fast days. Is this not the fast I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice? Then your ruins will be rebuilt.
tweet 13 Aug 2012. Isaiah 58. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa59: Your sins have separated you from God. Justice is far from us. Truth is nowhere. So the LORD put on garments of salvation and fury.
tweet 14 Aug 2012. Isaiah 59. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa60: Arise, shine, for your light has come! The nations will come to you. I will make you majestic forever. Your God will be your glory.
tweet 15 Aug 2012. Isaiah 60. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa61: The Spirit of the LORD is on me. He has sent me to proclaim freedom. My people will inherit a double portion. I delight in the LORD.
tweet 16 Aug 2012. Isaiah 61. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa62: For Zion's sake I will not keep silent. You will be given a new name. Your God will rejoice over you. Raise a banner for the nations!
tweet 17 Aug 2012. Isaiah 62. Read this chapter in full. # 3 comments
Isa63: Why are your robes red? I have trampled the nations. Israel remembered who brought them through the sea. You, O LORD, are our father.
tweet 18 Aug 2012. Isaiah 63. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa64: Oh that you would rend the heavens! You meet those who do right. We are all the work of your hand. Do not remember our sins forever.
tweet 19 Aug 2012. Isaiah 64. Read this chapter in full. # Comment
Isa65: I held out my hands to an obstinate people. My servants will eat, but you will go hungry. I will create new heavens and a new earth.
tweet 20 Aug 2012. Isaiah 65. Read this chapter in full. # 1 comment
Isa66: Listen! The LORD is repaying his enemies. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be comforted. All flesh will worship before me, says the LORD.

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