2016 Bible Reading Blog

2016 Bible Reading Blog

Saturday, July 9, 2016

This message about Greg is amazing
Starts around 14 minutes.

Your loved and cared for and the Lord will never give up on you!

Matthew 6:26-34

26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;

29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?

 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

The Lord of Host has Armies in rank and at His command they will be sent out! The murderous foes invited to the supper of the Lamb are going to be taken out. Matthew 22 -There's a fire of judgement coming, servants of the Lord have been treated disrespectfully by others invited to the feast. When it comes to Kingdom theocracy the Lord takes that as a personal offense. Read the story about the great feast and you'll be blessed. In these last days so many invitees will become murderers. Lets be worthy of the invite to the Lords feast! Could it be - this is the day the Lord is coming for His saints! Lets not disqualify ourselves by taking care of the goat, buying new land, celebrating marriage, needing to do this and that..The Kings feast is ready so he orders a new decree seeking out invites from the highways and bi-ways. Anyone and everyone is invited no matter if you know the King or not, does not matter if you live in a house or your homeless, male, female, rich, or poor. The Kings servants went our and found all they could bad and good. This Word of God was written not so long ago, and now is the time ;) When the first servants when out they spat on their face. Now the feast has guess, but so many died bcs they were to busy in life. The King does not reign for four years when he ask his people to come it's mandatory. When you murder the Kings servants (police, missionaries, pastors, teachers, and more) God does not like that and takes offense as you did it unto Him. Please use your invitation so your able to feast with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. People you don't even need to clean yourself up - if your one of those discovered in the bi-way or under the bridge of the highway ect - Just invite Jesus into your heart and come to Him. (This would be a nice message to put in a care package and pass along to the poor). In spite of your low spiritual condition your a honored guest. It was the Pharisees that said Jesus was blaspheming God, but in all actuality it was the Pharisees that said Cesar was there only God. Jesus of Nazareth underwent Jewish and Roman trials, was flogged, and was sentenced to death by crucifixion, so that you and i could share a meal with him (everlasting life)! The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. In this parable the king decree makes it effortless he even provides the clothes for you to wear. Some of the guess were not even originally invited, but accepted at the last minute. The king looked around proud and pleased as the servants were taking care of the many guess. The king noticed a man without the wedding garment - in our case it will be robes of righteousness.The king called this stranger a friend. The king wondered why he didn't follow kingdom protocol. This is kingdom theocracy and democracy, so in the presence of the king you were to dress in the garment. The man was speechless and could not even say I don't know... He was speechless bcs he came in outside of the kings protocol and got caught. This is very serious when it comes to our King the Kings and Lord of Lords - so the kings said to his servants bind this man and take him away. Then cast this man into outer darkness where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called but few are chosen. (this is a great sermon to share with someone) - probably like dating you keep telling this story and one out of ten will say yes. Maybe the ending of this parable is harsh if you're going by a democracy. We have to understand that in these last days were all invited into the Kings presence! People are uprising against government, the churches and it's people are being attacked. There's United Nation vehicles in America. You can read more about this Wedding Super in Revelation Chapters 19-21. The servants are you and i and were being asked to go out into the world and invite everyone. Are you willing to print this message out and pass it along as the Holy Spirit guides. Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit being spoken through your lips? He was born over 2016 years ago, born of a virgin birth, walked the earth 402 months. Lets say you walked the earth 602 and maybe you only have 202 months left on earth. Your end days are coming with death or we all pray the soon to be rapture. What are you going to do for the Kingdom of God with the last days, weeks, or months given? Each do you and i wake up is a gift from God. Jesus said the time is at hand and He has come to take away the sins of the world. He went to the cross became bruised, battered, and beaten. According to the Prophet Isaiah He took on the transgression and sin of ALL mankind. Why? For God so LOVE the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who soever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life! God loves each and everyone of us and it's His will that non of us should perish in hell forever with satan and his hedge-men... Our Kings decree is for us to repent of our sins. The protocol of God is that know ones gets through to heaven unless through Jesus Christ. Your being asked in John 3:16, Matthew 22, and in these approximately 800 words by inviting the Lord that loves you into your heart. It does not matter how awful your sins are your being called to the Lords supper. Do you really understand how great heaven is going to be. Your best day here is in on comparison of your billionth day there... Heaven will never get boring or old only something fresh and exciting for eternity. Compared to hell where satan and his hedge-men are going to torment you worse. Did you know if you refuse this offer you will not be part of the rapture and God is going to unleash satan on this planet. For every thing satan does know has to go through Jesus, but that will not be the case very much longer. Today is the day of Salvation - your already in the book of life, but if you don't accept this urgent calling then you will be erased and unfortunately placed into outer darkness, no purgatory or second chances. Upon you last breath one earth you'll be satan puppet - you'll be in so much pain that you'll be cursing God for death, but that is not going to happen. In Hebrews it says to come together in fellowship - find a Bible believing Church not some cult. Hebrew 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day.
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. Your loved and cared for know in the name of Jesus go out and spread the gospel to all corners of the earth.

Robes of righteousness are given when you seek the Kingdom of God. Righteousness is us being in the right standing of God. Being in peace with the Almighty by surrendering... We have to turnover our goal, passions, and love Him first more then any of our loved ones. By understanding that all things reign under His rule and authority. Thank you God that I have learned this truth and didn't die in my sin back in my younger years. Preach this truth to the young and old. There is coming a new heaven and new earth, but until then don't let any man deceive you - look in 2nd Thessalonians - we need to get out of this world system and hold tight to the Kingdom system. Are you ready for the greatest wedding super of the Lamb?

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Gal. 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God!

Friday, June 24, 2016

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 
  They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Becoming a Kingdom Wife 

 Honor God in His house and our house
Pastor is going to talk about a Kingdom Wife
 What does she look like will God bless me with another one?
God always works through His ordained structure, therefore it can't be our own structure...
 Today he talks about the alignment of a woman
 Adam and Eves rolls got flipped by the devil by lucifer asking her
 Man and woman have to fill God's alignment ;)
 Jesus is equal to the Father - woman is equal in being but not function
 Listen to sermon - everyone does not play the same role
 Place yourself under your husband, but unto the Lord... Key word Christian husband (Get with it men...) ;)
Work in the boundaries of the Lord
 In those boundaries yield to everything
The man is held ultimately responsible (HERE THAT MEN)
 1 Cor 11:3 Christ is the head of every man if that is not the case complication come with it!
When God was over Christ He covered Christ
 Man is to cover woman
 Woman is the glory of man
 Everybody has somebody to make them look good..
 Here are my five ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
1 Timothy 2;13 I have no problem with woman Evangelist...
No man can put his hands on a woman
What does angels have to do with woman covering - listen to sermon
 Hebrew 1:14 I think is every Christian is assigned a angel
 Were all written in the book of life bcs of the blood - we were wrote in before the world became...
We we die without Christ were blotted out
 Those blotted out will have different lashes in hell or torment
 This is a race to be won with the Holy Spirit not yielded and squashed under your feet...
 Some of us work our angel overtime
The angel is invisible ;)
They could have been seen around Noah's time but that is why the flood took place. The angels were corrupting the earth ect
 The job of your angel is to look after your well being on God's behalf ;)
Your angel is a messenger directed by the WORDS OF GOD
 If your angel ain't under proper authority then the movement does not work
about 17 minutes in ;)
If your a rebellious wife - the angel is setting around with it's wings folded ;(
 Men and woman have to understand the bigger picture that is why I was married 18 years and would be going on 25.
 The men's message is above ;)
The angles don't move unless everything is in alignment ;) ;)
If you a widow or widowing you have to run from lust - God could have a bigger calling for you and not give you another wife ect
My daughter and I pray we find someone...
 Wow (listen to this) they will not receive those vital instructions
 Men help your woman to be Proverbs 31 by loving them with all you got!
 Everyday you and I are stuck in sin we lose out on divine intervention
 Everyday you and I are stuck in sin we lose out on divine intervention
 Do you understand that God has to OK and Authorize
 Pastor Evans is funny - saying many of us are happy no marriage in heaven Thank God
I would still love to be married to Donna ;)
 Are you asking why no marriage in heaven?
 Why is = Christ will be with His church
Marriage of Adam and Eve was to model that... ;) ;) ;)
 Since Jesus will be with His church there's no need for the illustration anymore (Okay i got it). That is why were not to fear and trust God for a good wife ;)
 Trusting God for everything else
The marriage institution will not be desired
 Makes us really think of the relationship were to have now and up there ;)
 Men and woman - see to it = make sure
 The lady respects her husband
 There's references for woman to love her husband, but they're not commands
We do have a command for man to love his wife ;) Men take your position with the utmost responsibility...
 V 33 is for her to respect
 Men feed off of that respect
 Woman feed knowing they are loved
 Ladies you are to respect your husband even when you disagree
 That is why I pray I find me a good Filipino woman - they make the best wife's ;)
1 Peter 3:1 Don't forget this verse
 nagging don't work - the way God designed it is for your submission to work
 A ladies beauty should not just be external - the submissive is the most beautiful!
Looking pretty and cussing him out or putting him down doesn't work.
If a man and woman are not marred just pretending to be married then the angel has no authority and God can't work...
Same with man we can't make a woman feel pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside.
Ladies need a quiet spirit
 That is precious in the sight of the Lord
The Lord is looking for the Spirit
 Woman is to be a helpmate not a hurt mate
 Tony is on the webpage for your enjoyment
Proverbs 31 woman helps her man in every way
 She fears the Lord
 She takes God seriously
 Non of Pastor's Ministry would of happen without Mrs. Evans
We need to pray each day that our sons and daughters find a gift in a spouse
 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5 Men trust the Lord to find you the best lady on the planet!
God broke into Sara's messed up situation that was going on for 90 years
 Miracles are blocked - when the woman does not respect her man...
All the things Donna and I did in 18 years was due to this philosophy - We met and were married two months later bcs we honored God.
 God can't stick a angel to your side bcs He knows you're going to rebel against His authority...
 Honor God in public and private
 I use to be a beast and now a prince - child of God ;)
Do you believe in your beast?
May the Holy Spirit reconcile any differences bcs in the grand scheme of things can you forgive and be submissive in Jesus name?
 This link should play 38 messages

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Don't walk by site but in faith
Do not fear
Eternity is like a blink away!
While you eat your breakfast and lunch 100,000 have left the earth - they are either going to heaven or hell. Where are you headed?
Live for well done and faithful servant - so many people wake up in hell... The Bible says hell was widened bcs originally is was only for angels..
Prophet Isaiah mentioned about the expansion of hell - Please ask Jesus into your heart and join me as a soldier of Christ!
Jesus gave His Son so when you die you open your eyes in heaven ;)
Our spirit must be born again and our soul saved
Lots of good people are going to hell
Someone like me has to love you enough to tell you the truth
The Father knew you needed salvation
2016 years ago Jesus died for you and me
You're the Lord's finest masterpiece
We became sinners every since Adam and Eve fell
Babies sin at age two
Listen when man fell creation fell and death became in existence
If some creep animal talks to you run - the voice of God is the Holy Spirit
Fear was the very first emotion once the fall took place
God's perfect love cast out fear!
The serpent got cursed and man was cursed
Until God shed His owns Sons blood
You have to give your life to Christ or you have no choice but to pay it alone with your life...
Fall of satan ~ 8500 years ago
Calvary 2016 years ago
Jesus gave His life and it's more then a Sunday school song
You own Him your life for saving you from sin ;)
Read John 3:16 and ask Him into your beautiful hearts
Your either in the book of life or book of judgement ;) ;(
If your cast into hell you will know why - you read this and rejected it
You can not tell the Lord your good works
You won't be even able to speak in the presence of almighty God
John stayed with Jesus Mother - said when I saw Him I feel to the ground, but his strength was in the Lord
Jesus laid His right hand on John and says do not be afraid, I am the first and the last, I am He who lives and was dead, behold He says He is alive forever more, He has the keys to hell and death...
The Lord gave him a assignment to write the entire book of Revelation and He is assigning you to read it...
Revelation is about the things that was and is to come ;)
John who walked with Jesus feel to his feet as dead
You and i don't have this down - we have to study and learn more
Once we enter into eternity their is no coming back
Tell your mate, co-worker, friend, spouse, child, neighbor, coach, someone you bump into about what Jesus told John -
Going to get some milk but I will be back God willing